The material on this website is protected under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC licence and is copyright of the ‘Singing to Survive Committee © 2014’.
Under this CC-BY-NC license you are free to:
– Share, copy and redistribute this material in any medium or format.
– Adapt, remix, transform and build upon the material herein.
– You give appropriate credit (see Note 1), provide a link to this license page, and indicate if changes were made (see Note 2).
– You do not use the material for commercial purposes (see Note 3).
If either of these license terms are not followed we as licensors revoke the freedoms listed above. See the relevant numbered ‘Notes’ at the foot of this page for further clarification.
Permission to view/use the specific Singing To Survive script and/or programme is withheld for the immediate future – other STS Concerts are being planned/repeated and therefore still under copyright restrictions. However, we encourage anyone wishing to mount their own concert, and would wish them to access the material on our website to construct their own musical programme and narration.
Committee credits:
Concert Originators – Meg Parkes and Bernice Archer; Concert Format and Programme – Margie Caldicott and Barbara Coombes; Concert Script – Lavinia Warner; Concert Website – Andy Priestner; Concert Sponsor – Malayan Volunteers Group; Secretary – Rosemary Fell.
Notes - (1) Appropriate credit: You must a) record the fact that this material was created by the Singing to Survive Committtee; b) include the copyright symbol and date; c) a CC-BY-NC license notice; and d) a hyperlink back to the material or, if printed matter, include the website URL. (2) Indicate if changes were made: You must indicate where and how you have modified and built upon the material. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. (3) Commercial purposes: A commercial use is one primarily intended for commercial advantage or monetary compensation.